Kim is a Life Coach and fellow working mom, 
helping women move from overwhelm, 
to being who they were always meant to be.
My Background
I learned what I know - by doing - stepping out of my own pit of paralysis, and by helping my family and friends take baby steps to living well even while I was still learning and growing myself. 
Those early experiences lead me to begin Life Coaching and sharing tips and tricks.  Now I combine my love of meeting women right where they are at, with my love of helping them to be the best version of themselves, even in the mess. 

I believe that many working moms are feeling paralyzed by everything they have to take care of, yet they know in their heart of hearts that this is not who they were meant to be.  Everything combined with our day jobs is so much, between 
feeding the family, 
conquering the housework,
stretching the finances,
parenting in the midst of the overwhelm,
finding and nurturing real friends and support,
managing our limited time, 
participating in celebrations,  
renewing and protecting our health and energy, and establishing our value and self-worth

is an enormous weight on our shoulders, preventing us from even knowing where to start.   

My clients learn how to make small changes in their in their lives, a few minutes at a time, and it creates a compounding positive effect on their well-being.

Are you ready to move from crashing to conquering?

Kim is a Life Coach and fellow working mom, 
helping women move from overwhelm, 
to being who they were always meant to be.
My Background
I learned what I know - by doing - stepping out of my own pit of paralysis, and by helping my family and friends take baby steps to living well even while I was still learning and growing myself. 
Those early experiences lead me to begin Life Coaching and sharing tips and tricks.  Now I combine my love of meeting women right where they are at, with my love of helping them to be the best version of themselves, even in the mess. 

I believe that many working moms are feeling paralyzed by everything they have to take care of, yet they know in their heart of hearts that this is not who they were meant to be.  Everything combined with our day jobs is so much, between 
feeding the family, 
conquering the housework,
stretching the finances,
parenting in the midst of the overwhelm,
finding and nurturing real friends and support,
managing our limited time, 
participating in celebrations,  
renewing and protecting our health and energy, and establishing our value and self-worth

is an enormous weight on our shoulders, preventing us from even knowing where to start.   

My clients learn how to make small changes in their in their lives, a few minutes at a time, and it creates a compounding positive effect on their well-being.

Are you ready to move from crashing to conquering?