Realizing Your Value 
and Self Worth

Experience the confidence, stability and peace that comes 
with knowing your worth and being uniquely you. 
Find your way out of the maze of confusion that had you 
putting your value in what you do 
instead of who you really are.

Discovering who we were uniquely created to be, meant to be is so hopeful.  While the titles we have been given are pretty significant; wives, moms, daughters, employees, CEO's, volunteer, etc., our value is so much deeper than that.  It is something that was established before we were knit together in our mothers' wombs.  
Understanding there is nothing we can do to increase our value or decrease our value can release us from desperately striving for worth.  Instead, we can walk in confidence that we are shining masterpieces, made in God's image.  We are loved.  We were born with incredible purpose, individualized specifically for us.  
Hold your head up, girl.  You are magnificent!

Together, we can move from Crashing to Conquering in truly being the precious, valuable women we were created to be.
Information courtesy of Kim Webster