Hey Mama!

I'm here to help you find sanity in your daily grind, so you can thrive as the superwoman you are!


Working Moms Finding Balance to Thrive:

Coming Soon...
Managing your Limited Time

How to manage a calendar, stop forgetting appointments and prioritize time for what matters. 
Learn daily practices that transform (that you can actually use as a busy mom), and how to lock them in for permanent improvement!

Feeding Yourself and Your Family

We all need to eat - multiple times a day, and so do the people we are responsible for.  Reduce the overwhelm by learning simple strategies for how to feed our families with joy. 

Growing Your Faith

We are created to have relationship with the One who made us. It's critical for building a life with meaning that we grow this aspect of our lives. 

Coming Soon...
Parenting - Even in the Overwhelm

Equip yourself with support and strategies for the critically important, nearly impossible, and most rewarding job we will ever do - parenting - even in the midst of the overwhelm.

Coming Soon...
Stretching Your Finances

Set the stage for financial footing for both the day-to-day and the long term, make the money you do have, go further - and make it fun!

Coming Soon...
Friendship & Support

Every single one of us needs a community.  We are not made to live as islands, in isolation.  Discover how to find support and create your own CHOSEN family.

Coming Soon...
Regulating Your Emotions

We were created to be in relationship with others.  Learn what it takes for those relationships to be healthy and to last.

Realizing Your Value and Self Worth
You are more than a crashing, working mom.  You are a MASTERPIECE! Learn to live in who you are really meant to be!

Coming Soon...
Conquering the Housework

We will never have time for everything that needs our cleaning and tidying attention so we learn how to make the cleaning "sneak" into our lives without it feeling like a lot of work.

Coming Soon...
Thriving Despite Tragedy,
Trauma, & Chronic Disappointment

Life can deliver some terrible blows that can bring us to our knees, yet regular life continues in the midst of it.  You can thrive even when life is so very hard. 

Coming Soon...
Renewing & Protecting Your 
Health & Energy

Self Care is about taking care of our mental, emotional and physical needs - especially as an overwhelmed, working mom. 

Coming Soon...
Enjoying Festivities Even When You're Maxed Out

Fitting in the festivities of life can feel like a chore when you are already maxed out. We can plan and shift the celebration excitement to increase our fun factor in our families!
Hey there! I'm SO glad you found me!

I was a working mom who was crashing.  

I had three jobs, was a mother, a volunteer in my community, a leader of a non-profit and a few other groups, saying yes to everything... I was a visionary, a dreamer...

But when no one was looking, I was crashing, hiding, exhausted.  My home reflected the broken state of my mental health.  I was the helper - not usually the one who needed the help.  If only they knew I was so broken.  Moving from quiet crisis to crisis, paycheque to paycheque.  Wishing I could figure out how to be the woman I was always meant to be.  

One day I was introduced to an idea that changed EVERYTHING! 

So, not yet knowing how it would be possible, but desperate enough to try, I "picked up my mat and walked" (John 5:8).  
I chose to take the next, best, imperfect step.  

I learned I could invite hope and joy into my life amidst the imperfection.

I moved from crashing to conquering.  I made little changes that I could control - even tiny ones, accepting what I could not change, and began thriving anyway.

How many times have you tried to create new habits, introduce new patterns into your life and you would up feeling as bad - if not worse - than when you started? 

My wild and audacious vision is to empower you to get up, pick up your mat and walk.  Even one step - so you can be a conqueror, even if everything is not yet conquered, spreading it into your home, creating a richer childhood for your children, and positively impact the future generations in your family.  

Join our crashing to conquering community group and learn how you can become the woman you were meant to be, a conqueror.  It's free!

Ready to learn more? Keep me updated

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© Kim Webster